Retro och Nostalgi
129,00 kr
Mugg "Awesome Coffee"
55,00 kr
Vykort kalender "Say it 50´s, I was on a diet for a month and lost 30 days!"
55,00 kr
Vykort kalender "Say it 50´s, A clean house is a sign of a wasted life"
174,00 kr
Termometer "Milk"
129,00 kr
Plåtburk Flat "Nostalgic Pharmacy, First Aid (White)"
49,00 kr
Mintask - "The Godfather"
174,00 kr
Termometer "Marilyn"
74,00 kr
Nyckelring rund "Retro Wave, Retro Vinyl"
49,00 kr
Megnet "Say it 50´s, Cute cats club!"
49,00 kr
Mintask - "Pink ladies"
49,00 kr
Mintask "Nostalgic Pharmacy, First Aid"
249,00 kr
Metallskylt 30x40 cm "Kelloggs, Corn Flakes Red & White"